Friday, 29 July 2011


I stole a quick glance at you again. I couldn't help it. 


A scratch. 

"Don't go.."

Your eyes closed softly. 

I wondered how long you would last.

They say you have a weak heart. Had lung problems too.
Me, being careless. Never knowing.

Honestly, I blame myself for everything. Not taking care of you. 

I cried. Remembering the times you were there for me. 

Always with no complains. Sitting by my side.

I didn't know losing you would be such a pain. 

I wiped the last remaining tear. 

You didn't understand my tears. But that sweet look of innocence in your eyes as you stare at me. 


You'll get better. Please do get better. 

I can't bear another lost.

'Stuff happens..'


Wednesday, 27 July 2011


The night was cold. It had rained just now. 

She shivered slightly.The feeling of dread creeping through her veins.

Ignoring the cold and the funny emotion within her, she reached for the switch. 'On'. Carrying the rectangular object with her, she made herself comfortable, lying on the bed. White bedsheets, white pillows and white comforter.White somehow was her favourite colour. It brought back the innocence that had long disappeared in her. She snuggled deep into its warmth. The welcoming note sang by the object brought her attention back to it. Letting out a tiny sigh, she reach for its familiar keys. 'tap-tap-tap'. 'Click'. 'Search'. The importance of money. 

Tomorrow's English debate topic.

My group of 3. We're the government side. 

Have a feeling we might lose. Gosh.. 


Noticed that I didn't mention anything about you? 

Guess why. 


Friday, 22 July 2011

Leave It Blank






I'm here to blog about nothing. Correct, yes, I'm serious. I'm blogging about nothing.

Not even about what I'm doing now or even what colour shirt I'm wearing..
(By the way, it's last last year's YF camp's T-shirt) 

he. he. he. he. he.

I'm trying to be retarded okay.. So stop sneering. >_> 

Meet my latest craze : GNa

Sooooo pwetty isn't she? *dreamy sighs*

She's half-canadian / korean AND I love her. Haha. 


Monday, 18 July 2011

The answer's no.

Currently listening to: Blessings by Laura Story 


You're Dangerous

Should I take the chance?

Wei-En's surprise party :) [see me? ]

Meet the crazies <3     

After party / Retard xD


Friday, 15 July 2011

Durian Weekend

Imma make this short and sweet. 

Upon Tien Mie's suggestion, I decided to post this "epic" story. 

I had Youth Fellowship this Saturday. My brother had an urge to eat durian. I was playing the piano that week. My grandfather called to say there was durian back home in Tangkat, my hometown. I didn't want to miss. Dad said we should balik kampung.. to eat durian. Skip YF to eat durian. 

Now, process this in your mind and tell me if it's funny? or "epic"? 


Pic. of durian, for you ppl who haven't seen it before. >_>

I love durians by the way. :)


Sunday, 10 July 2011


Hey world. Hey blog. Hey people.

I have no idea what to blog about. 

Jun Kit's birthday was a blast, I suppose. Spent the whole day shopping in heels. Killer. 

Didn't take lunch. Waited till dinner at 8 p.m. Hungry like crazy.

Met this new guy, Willy. Nice guy. Bowl cut hair? *grins*

Had a taste of some apple flavoured drink. Too sweet.

The newspaper the next day, which is today was awesome. Check it out! *laughs*

End of story. 

Goodnights woman / man! :)